How can we help you?
We offer four key services, each and all of which can be adapted to provide the sustainable solution that your company needs. These services are:
- Compliance assurance services;
- Strategic advisory services;
- Specialist services; and
- Environmental assessment and management services.
Compliance assurance services
We provide a service to assure compliance with all environmental legal requirements and others that may be relevant. These other requirements could be Lender requirements (increasingly important as more and more Lenders sign up to the Equator Principles); parent company requirements; internal company policy requirements; or any others. Our service offering is made up of:
- Identifying and developing an inventory of the compliance requirements;
- Linking compliance requirements to the activities to which they apply;
- Defining what must be done (actions) to comply with the requirements;
- Effectively implementing the actions that are required for compliance; and,
- Real time monitoring and reporting on both implementation of actions and resultant compliance performance.
We use proprietary software to offer this service, which ensures that the service is provided consistently and effectively, and that any and all reporting is available on an as-needed basis. The software also provides access to performance information as and when required and by any user sanctioned to do so by the host company. The software also provides various ways of displaying information with a custom performance dashboard accessible at all times via the internet (to authorised users).
It does not matter how complicated or simple the compliance requirements are, we can tailor the service to match the application. We can manage simple data capture, processing, storage and reporting or can provide a fully outsourced environmental management capability. It is all provided as a function of what you, as a client, need and want.
Selected key projects:
We have conducted Equator Principles (EP) compliance reviews for companies applying for loans from Equator Principle Financial Institutions. These reviews take the form of due diligence audits against the requirements detailed in the EP, and are presented as reports and action plans. Such compliance reviews include:
In South Africa, the:
- Mokolo and Crocodile (West) Water Augmentation Project;
- Komati Water Scheme Augmentation Project;
- Kusile Power Station Project;
- Ingula Pumped Storage Scheme Project; and,
- Medupi Power Station Project.
Elsewhere, the:
- Vysochasishy Gold Mine, Irkurtsk Region, Russia for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD);
- Kalgutinsky Mine in Altai Republic, Russian Federation; and,
- Kuibyshev Nitrogen Plant (KuAz) in Togliatti, Russian Federation.
In addition we have authored the Annual Environmental and Social Monitoring Report (AMR) on behalf of the Mozal Aluminium smelter. The AMR serves to detail compliance of the smelter with Lender requirements and is submitted to the IFC and all project Lenders. We completed all the annual reports required for the loan period, which has now been repaid. The requirement for independent verification was waived after some 6 years due to the integrity of the reporting.
Strategic advisory services
Our strategic advisory services are all geared to identifying sustainable environmental solutions. We excel in developing strategies to address the challenges faced by modern progressive companies in dealing with environmental and social compliance and sustainability.
These challenges might be the implementation of a controversial project and obtaining permits and authorisations (typically through Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) processes), or it may be enhancing the company’s environmental and social management function/s. Whatever it is we will find a solution – either ourselves – or through our extensive network of local and international experts.
We have acted as agents for the applicant and managed the environmental assessment team using our knowledge and experience to ensure that the assessment is completed effectively and efficiently. We also ensure that the EIA is cost-effective and adds value to the applicant. For mergers and acquisitions we can determine and cost environmental liabilities so that these are appropriately factored into the transactions.
We can develop policies and procedures across a wide range of applications, from simply being legally compliant to providing leadership in the field of environmental and social management. Bring us your environmental and social challenge and we will find you a sustainable solution.
Selected key projects:
We have conducted a range of strategic assessments for clients to provide more effective internal decision-making and provide an early indication of the key challenges that will need to be overcome in implementing projects. These include:
- Development of a Sustainable Development Management System (SDMS) for the Department of Water Affairs (DWA);
- A Strategic Environmental Assessment for Sasol’s Industrial and Mining activities in Secunda;
- A Strategic Sustainability Study for Eskom;
- A Strategic Environmental Assessment on a Trade and Industry policy for Kwazulu-Natal;
- Determining the feasibility of a Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Vaal Triangle; and,
- A strategic evaluation of a proposed coal-to-liquids plant for PetroSA in the Waterberg area.
We have provided strategic advisory services to the following companies:
- Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA) on various environmental management issues related to bulk water storage and transfer (including representation on two project expert panels);
- Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) on amending the authorisation for the proposed Fuel Manufacturing Plant at Pelindaba;
- Bombela on the amendment of the Record of Decision for the Gautrain Rapid Rail Link Project and the development and approval of an Environmental Management Programme (EMP) for the construction phase. Subsequently appointed as the Senior Environmental Consultant on the project;
- United Metallurgical Company in the Russian Federation with the development and implementation of an Integrated Health, Safety and Environmental Management System for their operations;
- The Mozal and Hillside Aluminium smelters during their expansion projects in developing and implementing EMPs and assisting in negotiations with lenders (in the case of Mozal); and,
- The World Bank in developing Terms of Reference for a Regional Environmental and Social Assessment of coal-fired power generation along the South Africa – Botswana border.
We have also authored:
- The Compliance and Enforcement section of the National Environmental Impact and Management Strategy (EIMS) for the National Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA);
- The Integrated Environmental Management (IEM) information series document ‘Review in EIA’ for the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT, now DEA) (2004);
- O’Beirne, S and Kansal, A., (2008), Environmental impacts and issues for a small island developing state in (eds) Khare, M, Sankat, C.K, Shrivastava, G, Venkobachar, C: Aluminium smelting: Health, environmental and engineering perspectives, Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston; and,
- Boer, A, Fritschi, L and O’Beirne, S: (2009): Human health in environmental assessment and management in (eds) Strydom, HA and King ND, Fuggle and Rabie’s Environmental Management in South Africa, Juta, Johannesburg.
Specialist services
We can provide specialist services in air quality management; EIA project management; training in environmental management; and can also source and manage a wide range of specialist services across the environmental and social domain through our extensive network of both local and international experts.
Selected key specialist projects:
- Advisor to Sasol in their process of applying for exemption from and postponement of the compliance timeframes for, the Minimum Emissions Standards;
- Lead the process of applying for postponement of the compliance time-frames for implementation of the Minimum Emissions Standards for Eskom;
- Advisor to the Mozal Fume Treatment Centre rebuild project, which required a detailed air quality assessment and the development and implementation of a management programme during the rebuild process. Note that the process included managing a complaint that was submitted to the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) of the World Bank;
- Project management for the Highveld Priority Area, Air Quality Management Plan;
- Developed recommendations on suitable ambient air quality standards for the Qatalum Smelter in Qatar that could be used by the authorities in managing air quality;
- Assisted Danida in formulating component descriptions for Air Quality Management and Cleaner Production in South Africa; and,
- Assisted Danced in the formulation of air quality management project documents for the Gauteng Provincial Government and DEAT.
Selected training examples:
- Upping the EIA Game – From Process to Method, course presented for the South African Chapter of the International Association of Impact Assessment (IAIAsa);
- Practical training on conducting Strategic Environmental Assessments for transmission powerline corridors for Eskom;
- Environmental management training for Zesco (Zambian Electricity Supply Commission);
- Training on Environmental aspects for PetroSA;
- Review in Environmental Assessment for the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP);
- Integrated Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Management Systems for the Shaneco Group in Moscow, Russian Federation and Basel (Basic Elements) a Russian resources company;
- Capacity building programme for consultation and disclosure in the Russian Federation funded by the International Finance Corporation (IFC); and,
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) course for Niras (Finland) in Lesotho.
Environmental assessment and management services
Our services here are strongly (but not solely) driven by responding to national regulatory and legislative requirements and satisfying Lender requirements for environmental assessment and management services. We conduct Basic Assessments (BA) and Scoping and Environmental Impact Report (S&EIR) Assessments in response to direct regulatory requirements, as well as Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) and Regional Environmental and Social Assessments (RESA), as defined by the World Bank. We combine innovative approaches to environmental assessments with exacting project management capabilities and take pride in our ability to deliver value-adding assessments on brief, budget and time.
We are recognised leaders in environmental assessment, and contribute to improved practice through leading assessments, providing external reviews and even managing other environmental assessment consultants on behalf of applicants. We are also recognised for our ability to respond effectively to Lender requirements and have conducted a number of assessments that have been required for International Finance Corporation (IFC) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) loans.
We have extensive environmental management experience, especially in respect of translating environmental assessments into post-decision management plans and programmes. We can develop and ensure implementation of Environmental Management Programmes (EMPs), Lender Environmental and Social Action Plans (ESAP) and Environmental and Social Management Systems (ESMS).
Selected key projects:
We have directly managed and coordinated the following environmental assessments:
- The Sasol Mafutha Environmental Assessment Programme in Lephalale, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Project Mafutha consisted of a coal-to-liquids industrial complex (~80 000 bl/day), new coal mine, town and service corridor connecting components of the project (2009 – 2011) (project discontinued);
- S&EIR for the proposed Project Mafutha Coal-to-Liquids Industrial Complex in the Lephalale area, Limpopo Province, South Africa (2009 – 2011);
- Social and Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) for the alumina refinery and bauxite mine establishment components of the Dian Dian project in Guinea (2007-2008);
- S&EIR for ArcelorMittal South Africa’s proposed New Coke Oven Batteries in Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng province, South Africa (2007 – 2010);
- The Komi Aluminium Programme in the Russian Federation – the project included an Environmental and Social Due Diligence Audit on a bauxite mine and SEIA and State Environmental Reviews for the mine expansion and establishment of an alumina refinery – clients were the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Komi Aluminium (2003 – 2006);
- S&EIR for Sasol’s proposed Benzene Reduction Plant in Secunda, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa (2006 – 2007);
- S&EIR for Mittal Steel’s proposed By-Products Mixing Plants (waste recycling projects) in Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng Province and Newcastle, Kwazulu Natal Province, South Africa (2006 – 2007);
- General Technical Assessment (GTA) on a proposed Plasma Converter System and subsequent EIA on the establishment of an Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) in Gauteng (2000-2003);
- S&EIR for the proposed Samancor ferrochrome smelter in Mooinooi, Rustenburg, North West Province, South Africa (1999-2000);
- EIA for the Mozal Smelter in Maputo, Mozambique (1996-1997);
- Developed an Operations Environmental Management Programme (OEMP) for the Qatalum Smelter in Qatar;
- Developed an Operations Environmental and Social Management Programme (OESMP) for the Emal Smelter in the United Arab Emirates; and,
- Developed an Environmental and Social Management Plan for the Qatalum Smelter in Qatar.